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Explanation of the Poem
The Poem’s Introduction
We are all aware that wind is a natural process. The poet addresses the wind in this poem.
Wind’s strength has been described, and the poet implies that it is destructive.
He connects the destructive power of wind to the adversities of life, declaring that weak people collapse, but stronger people emerge stronger from adversity.
The poem conveys an important message: in order to survive life’s difficulties, we must be mentally tough and physically strong.
A frail person, like a delicate structure, crumbles.
With our strength and determination, we must turn these destructive forces into our allies.
Stanza 1
Wind, come softly.
Don’t break the shutters of the windows.
Don’t scatter the papers.
Don’t throw down the books on the shelf.
The poet addresses the wind. requesting that it not blow so hard that it destroys the shutters on the windows, which serve as a barrier between man and the stormy environment outside.
As a result, he is appealing to the wind for assistance.
He also requests that the wind refrain from scattering the papers in his room or hurling the books from his bookshelves.
Stanza 2
There, look what you did – you threw them all down.
You tore the pages of the books.
You brought rain again.
The poet here accuses the wind of blowing too hard and causing havoc in his room, with books falling from the shelves and pages torn.
He looks out the window and informs the wind that it has brought rain with it once more.
Stanza 3
You’re very clever at poking fun at weaklings.
Frail crumbling houses, crumbling doors, crumbling rafters,
crumbling wood, crumbling bodies, crumbling lives,
crumbling hearts –
the wind god winnows and crushes them all.
Now the poet addresses the wind in a subdued tone, stating that it causes havoc whenever it comes into contact with anyone who is too meek (humble) and mild to object to its actions.
It destroys doors, rafters, and even entire wooden houses, leaving people exposed to the elements.
This is an idiom implying that the difficulties we face in life come and go as quickly as the wind.
As the poet states, the wind has the ability to destroy frail bodies and hearts.
That is, life’s difficulties can result in both a loss of hope and a loss of life.
Thus, the poet claims, everything is up to the wind god.
Stanza 4
He won’t do what you tell him.
So, come, let’s build strong homes,
Let’s join the doors firmly.
Practise to firm the body.
Make the heart steadfast.
Do this, and the wind will be friends with
The poet now addresses the readers, stating that the wind does not listen to anyone and that its actions are entirely determined by it.
To avoid its harmful effects, we should construct our homes on a sturdy foundation and ensure that their doors are difficult for the wind to penetrate (gain access to).
Additionally, we must train our bodies and hearts to combat and resist (face) the wind’s ill effects.
If we are successful in doing so, we will no longer regard the wind as an adversary.
Rather than that, the wind will invite us to become friends.
This is an idiom that means that if we strengthen our character, we will be able to overcome any obstacles.
However, if our character is frail, we will encounter difficulties.
Stanza 5
The wind blows out weak fires.
He makes strong foes roar and flourish.
His friendship is good.
We praise him everyday.
The poet here describes how the wind has both good and bad effects.
The disadvantage is that it has the potential to extinguish a small fire.
However, if the fire is already strong, the wind will intensify the fire’s intensity, thereby nourishing what is already strong.
The poet concludes that if we are strong, the wind is a beneficial friend to have because it increases our strength.
This is an idiom that means that all of life’s difficulties will strengthen us even more if our characters are strong.
However, if our characters are frail, we will be severely harmed by difficulties.
He also states that we should daily sing our devotion to the wind god, implying that we should cheerfully face any difficulties in our lives.