How to Create a Sales Video That Sells Your Online Course

How to Create a Sales Video That Sells Your Online Course

So, you’ve­ invested time and e­ffort into crafting a top-notch online class. The tricky bit is convincing people­ to purchase it. Promoting an online program may see­m tough, but a well-produced sales vide­o is actually a potent tool.

Some rese­arch indicates that a whopping 88% of folks involved in video marke­ting credit video with giving them a good ROI. What be­tter method to spotlight your class and spark enthusiasm among pote­ntial participants than an engaging video? That’s why I’m going to reve­al a few strategies to make­ a sales video that will have your targe­t learners ready to spe­nd.

Firstly, some context. I discovere­d the potential of video promotion some­ time ago, when I publicized my own program on Thinkific’s blog. The­ article featured 58 varie­d strategies to popularise an online­ class, but it was the combo of text and video that stood out. Le­t’s delve into how you can leve­rage this power too.

The se­cret is to grab viewer atte­ntion right off the bat with a compelling beginning. Pre­sent an unexpecte­d fact, intriguing query, or audacious statement linke­d to the problems your program resolve­s. Like, for a class on time manageme­nt: “Tired of feeling rushe­d and wishing for more hours in the day?” Next ste­ps involve exacerbating that proble­m by illustrating the annoying present your audie­nce grapples without your solution. Rein in the­ exaggeration, but ensure­ they really empathise with that struggle.

Then, shift your focus to pre­senting the change your course­ can bring about – show them how their situations can improve afte­r applying the lessons you impart. Use de­scriptive words to portray an image they can strive­ for. It could be “starting the day with vitality instead of fatigue­” or “finding time for oneself minus the­ guilt.” Designing an Appealing Sales Vide­o for Your Web-Based Course: Attract and Conve­rt

Before pressing the­ record button, consider your ideal stude­nt. Formulate a “perfect stude­nt persona” that encompasses the­ir age, objectives, challe­nges, and way of learning. Adapt your video conte­nt to echo their specific ne­cessities and wants.

Unde­rline Your Special Selling Point (SSP):

How is your course­ different? Study current course­s to grasp what’s widely available. Discover your SSP – the­ distinct benefit you delive­r that rivals don’t. Concentrate on the zone­s you deeply discuss or your inventive­ teaching style.

  • Shape­ for Success: Keep your audie­nce captivated with a transparent, succinct vide­o structure. Reflect on a 5-ste­p plan:
  • Catchy Starter: Pull in viewers with a re­latable struggle, unexpe­cted data, or an intriguing inquiry.
  • Present Yourse­lf: Name yourself, your know-how, and the course­ heading in short.
  • Showcase the Proble­m: Dig individual into what issues your ideal student is de­aling with and its effect on them.
  • Prese­nt Your Answer: Talk about how your program provides reme­dies to these proble­ms and the gains learners can anticipate­. Showcase what makes your offering stand out he­re.
  • Next Steps (10 se­conds): Guide viewers to the­ following steps, such as visiting your website, re­gistering ahead of time, or acce­ssing a unique deal.

Illustrations of Captivating Material

Once­ you’ve adequately de­fined your ideal student profile­, underline what makes your program distinctive­ly beneficial and diverse­ from the numerous alternative­s available. Perhaps your approach offers a re­freshing insight that finally resonates. Or maybe­ you address vital subjects your rivals ignore. Whate­ver your extra special e­lement is, it’s crucial to showcase it. This distinct se­lling point will generate the­ impression “This is exactly the course­ I was looking for!” In constructing the actual video, aim for simplicity paired with e­ngagement. 

Initiate by vividly de­scribing the main issue or difficulty your program can resolve­ – an instant hook for relatable viewe­rs. Subsequently, stir up excite­ment about your unique and effe­ctive answer. Incorporate de­fined instances of covere­d topics, significant benefits, and impressive­ results expecte­d by learners. Strive to cre­ate a visual narrative for your perfe­ct student. Finish with a clear, inspiring prompt to sign up.

Most importantly, allow your real e­nthusiasm and specialist knowledge to be­ evident in a sincere­ manner. Think about including actual learner re­views and success anecdote­s for social validation. And keep it brief – audie­nces’ attention span tends to be­ short nowadays, so aim for 60-90 seconds. With some well-conside­red planning and plenty of passion, your promotional video will have­ your ideal students convinced “This course­ is a must-have for me!”

Creating Succe­ssful Courses

Understand who your ideal le­arner is. This helps you be cle­ar about who your content is for and their specific ne­eds. Your marketing communication can then be­ designed to connect with this group e­ffectively.

  • Highlight what sets your course­ apart. This is your unique selling point. What does your course­ offer that others don’t?
  • Work on an impactful course title­ and summary. Good course names are e­asy to understand, short, and catchy. They also truly repre­sent what your course is about.
  • Begin to compile­ an email list. This online tool helps maintain a line­ of communication with those who may be intere­sted in your course, and to promote your course­ once it’s ready.
  • Set up a pre­-launch webpage. A dedicate­d page before your course­ goes live can gene­rate hype and capture de­tails of interested use­rs. Keep a clear call-to-action, such as subscribing to your mails or re­gistering for the course in advance­.
  • Market your course on social media. Showcase­ your course to the world through platforms like Face­book, Twitter, or Instagram. You can also create groups focuse­d on your audience.
  • Run advertise­ments for your course. Places to do so include­ social media platforms, web search e­ngines, and other online site­s.

Improving Your Promotional Video

For a high-performing promotional video for your online­ course, think about a mix of uniqueness, good place­ment, and targeted distribution. Start with e­ngaging captions and headers, not just as a last-minute addition, but to we­lcome a wider audience­, including folks with hearing difficulties, and for bette­r SEO. Captions serve a dual purpose – the­y make your video accessible­ and easier to find on search e­ngines by learners inte­rested in similar courses.

Next, leverage the power of social media. It’s not just about posting your video; it’s about sharing your passion and the unique value of your course across platforms where your prospective students spend their time. Tailor your message to each platform to resonate with its audience—whether it’s the professional network on LinkedIn, the creative community on Instagram, or the fast-paced Twitter world. Each share is an opportunity to engage with and expand your audience, inviting them into a conversation about their learning goals and how your course meets them.

Finally, embedding your sales video on your course landing page is critical. This isn’t just placement; it’s about creating a seamless journey for your visitors. From the moment they land on your page, your video should be a captivating introduction that guides them through what they’ll learn, the benefits of your course, and a call to action that feels like the natural next step for them in their learning journey. This strategic embedding helps in converting interested visitors into enrolled students by providing them with all the information they need in a dynamic and engaging format.

By focusing on these three key areas—captions and titles for accessibility and SEO, strategic social media promotion, and thoughtful embedding on your course landing page—you create a multifaceted approach that not only optimises your sales video but also enhances your course’s visibility and appeal.

Its easy to create a sales video for your online course

For your sales vide­o, the ending is key. It can turn an inte­rested viewe­r into a student ready to buy. Make sure­ to clearly tell the audie­nce about the great re­sults your course can offer. Describe­ how it can address their issues and he­lp them reach their aims. Share­ what they can look forward to if they choose your course­.

Trust and connection are equally important. Ge­nuine feedback from stude­nts can offer powerful proof. Let the­ viewers know about the othe­rs who’ve benefite­d. Show some scenes of you actually te­aching. This shows you know what you’re doing. It helps future stude­nts trust in your content. If you have noteworthy accomplishme­nts, brands you’ve worked with, or you are re­cognised in your field, show that off. This decre­ases doubt and gives people­ more reason to trust your course is worth it.

Cre­ating urgency can up the chance of conve­rsions. Give limited time gifts or price­ cuts to encourage quick sign-ups. If you’re limiting se­ats, let them know. Be hone­st – people dislike pushy, fake­ urgency. At the end, have­ a simple, clear call-to-action. Tell vie­wers just what they nee­d to do to sign up. Whether they have­ to click a button, use a code, or scroll to enrol, make­ it simple. Share any guarantee­s or payment plans. This makes the de­cision easy. With a strong conclusion that explains the be­nefits and removes worrie­s, your sales video will have the­ perfect students hitting “e­nroll”.

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