The objective of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to ensure that all staff members understand and adhere to the academic integrity and plagiarism policies in place at our institution. This SOP aims to promote ethical research practices, prevent plagiarism, and maintain academic integrity within our educational environment.
This SOP applies to all staff members, including faculty, researchers, students, and administrative personnel, involved in research and academic activities at our institution.
- Faculty and Researchers: It is the responsibility of faculty members and researchers to uphold academic integrity, educate students about plagiarism, and ensure that proper citation and referencing practices are followed.
- Students: Students are responsible for understanding and adhering to the academic integrity and plagiarism policies, submitting original work, and giving proper credit to sources used in their research.
- Administrative Personnel: Administrative personnel are responsible for disseminating information about academic integrity and plagiarism policies, organizing training sessions, and providing support to faculty and students in implementing these policies.
Training Procedures:
Introduction to Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policies:
- a. Provide an overview of academic integrity and its importance in educational institutions.
- b. Explain the concept of plagiarism and its different forms, including direct copying, paraphrasing without attribution, self-plagiarism, and data manipulation.
- c. Emphasize the negative consequences of plagiarism, such as damage to reputation, loss of credibility, academic penalties, and legal implications.
Understanding the New Regulations in India:
- a. Present the information from the provided text on the new regulations for promoting academic integrity and preventing plagiarism in higher educational institutions in India.
- b. Discuss the definition of plagiarism according to these regulations, which includes taking someone else’s work or idea and passing it as one’s own.
- c. Explain the guidelines for quantifying plagiarism based on the level of similarity identified in manuscripts.
Recognizing Plagiarism:
- a. Provide examples of different forms of plagiarism, including direct copying, improper paraphrasing, incorrect citation, and data manipulation.
- b. Demonstrate how to use plagiarism detection software, such as iThenticate® or Turnitin®, to identify instances of plagiarism in research manuscripts.
- c. Discuss strategies for avoiding unintentional plagiarism, such as proper citation practices, accurate paraphrasing, and maintaining a reference database.
Consequences and Penalties:
- a. Explain the penalties associated with different levels of plagiarism as outlined in the new regulations, including re-submission, debarring, and cancellation of registration.
- b. Highlight the repercussions for faculty members found guilty of plagiarism, such as manuscript withdrawal, program supervision restrictions, and loss of increment.
- c. Emphasize the importance of ethical conduct and the long-term consequences of academic dishonesty on reputation and career prospects.
Promoting Academic Integrity:
- a. Discuss strategies to promote academic integrity, such as creating awareness campaigns, conducting workshops on proper citation practices, and providing resources for referencing and citation styles.
- b. Encourage the development of good research habits, including critical thinking, effective note-taking, and time management, to reduce the likelihood of plagiarism.
- c. Establish a support system for students and researchers, offering guidance on research ethics, citation practices, and plagiarism prevention techniques.
Reporting and Addressing Plagiarism:
- a. Explain the process for reporting suspected cases of plagiarism to the Institutional Academic Integrity Panel (IAIP).
- b. Outline the steps taken by the IAIP to investigate plagiarism allegations, including gathering evidence, conducting hearings, and determining appropriate penalties.
- c. Stress the importance of confidentiality, fairness, and due process in handling plagiarism cases.
By implementing this SOP and providing comprehensive training on academic integrity and plagiarism policies, we aim to foster a culture of ethical research and scholarship. It is essential that all staff members understand their responsibilities and actively contribute to maintaining academic integrity within our institution.