English Notes WBBSE Madhyamik Class 10 - The Passing Away Of Bapu

The Passing Away Of Bapu STUDY NOTES

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আপনি এখানে শিখবেন এই অধ্যায়ে এবং বিষয়ের ফাউন্ডেশন অংশটা, এই বিষয়টিকে সহজ-সরলভাবে পড়িয়েছেন বিশেষজ্ঞ শিক্ষক ভিডিও লেকচার এর মাধ্যমে এবং এই পুরো অধ্যায়কে চার ভাগে খন্ডিত করে আপনার জন্য তৈরি করা হয়েছে

প্রথম খন্ডে আপনি শিখবেন ফাউন্ডেশন অংশটা যেখানে অধ্যায়ের ব্যাপারে আপনাকে বোঝানো হয়েছে তার মানে definitions,basics গুলো সহজভাবে. এবং এটাকে আপনি বুঝতে পারবেন যেটা আপনাকে পরীক্ষার জন্য ক্রীপের করতে সাহায্য করবে
দ্বিতীয় মডিউলে আপনি শিখবেন MCQ মাল্টিপল চয়েস কোশ্চেন যেটা সাধারণত এক Marks’er আসে পরীক্ষায়
তৃতীয় মডিউলে আপনি শিখবেন শর্ট অ্যানসার এবং কোয়েশ্চেন, যেটা আপনার পরীক্ষার সাজেশন মধ্যে পড়ে এবং এটা 3-4 marks’er প্রশ্ন আসে আপনার পরীক্ষা
চতুর্থ মডিউল আপনি শিখবেন লং আনসার এবং questions যেটা সাধারণত 5-6 marks er হয়
আপনার যদি কোন প্রশ্ন থাকে তাহলে আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন যাতে কি আপনাকে আমরা সাহায্য করতে পারি

Here you will learn the basics of The Passing Away Of Bapu in a simple language it is for Bengali medium students who are studying under West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and preparing for their exam (Class 10 WBBSE) Here you will find all necessary and important WBBSE Madhyamik Suggestions, notes, solved sample question paper in Bangla along with video lectures from expert teachers

SOLVED QUESTIONS & ANSWERS of The Passing Away Of Bapu

1 MARKS QUESTIONS of The Passing Away Of Bapu

The author received an important call when––– she was having tea at home on evening 30 January-1948

The place was unnaturally quiet as iftime stood still for those few minutes.

The room of the Birla house was locked with an allay when ––– Gandhiji breathed his last.

Later they din willy and –– shooting and crying.

A Number of indefinite people bemoan to touch–– Bapu’s feet.

Bapuji had been killed  by a shot –– on his way to a prayer meeting.


Words of Bapuji death had spread ––- through Delhi like a frame banned by wind.

Out of every window one could see–a brown blur of faces.


They elbowed one another in haste tobreak into the house.

People heard the announcement which wastelling the people of India that their Bapu was no more.

  • The writer got an important message over  the telephone in the evening. 

Ans. True.

Supporting statement: when I was called to Birla house by an urgent telephone call.

  • Bapu had passed away in Delhi. 

Ans. True.

Supporting statement: words of Bapuji’s death had spread through Delhi like a flame fanned by wind.

  • The cause of Bapuji’s death was a heart attack. 

Ans. False.

Supporting statement: Gandhiji had been shot.

  • When Bapuji was going to a prayer he was shot. 

Ans. False.

Supporting statement: Gandhiji had been shot on his way to a prayer meeting.

  • The people did not get shocked by the news of Bapuji’s demise.

Ans. False. 

Supporting statement: They were too stunned to speak in the beginning.

  • When the author was called to Birla house she was having her lunch. 

Ans. False.

Supporting statement: I was having tea at home.

  • When one wails , one whimpers. 

Ans. True.

Supporting statement: when one gets a shock of a loved one’s death, one whimpers.

  • The news of Gandhiji’s demise was not aired.

Ans. False.

Supporting statement: words of Bapuji’s death had spread through Delhi like a flame.

  •  The windows looked hazy.

Ans. False.

Supporting statement: out of every window one could see a brown blur of faces.

  • Gandhiji’s body was surrounded by his relatives and followers. 

Ans. True.

Supporting statement : At Birla house Gandhiji’s relatives and followers had gathered around his body.

multiple choice questions - 1 marks of The Passing Away Of Bapu

The author was informed about Gandhiji’s demise–
a telephone call
a telegram
a broadcast
a letter
Ans: A) a telephone call.

Everybody in the room became______ when Bapu took his last breath.

  • shouting 
  • silent
  • crying 
  • empty 

Ans: B) silent

Bapu had been shot on––
A)2nd October-1969
B) 15th August-1947
C) 30th January- 1948
D) 31st January -1948
Ans: C) 30th January-1948

  • The writer was ______when she heard about Gandhiji’s demise.

drinking tea
preparing tea
drinking coffee
Ans: A) drinking tea.

The Indian’s called Gandhiji with a lovely name that was ––

  • Papaji
  • Bapuji
  • Netaji
  • Chachaji 

Ans: B) Bapuji

Bapu was assassinated on his way to–––

  • The Birla House
  • a prayer meeting
  • an official meeting
  • a family gathering.

Ans: B) a prayer meeting.

Group of men gathered near Birla house––

  • happy
  • curious 
  • sad 
  • weeping 

Ans: C) sad

It was as if time stood still for those few minutes, there was an––

  • unnatural silence
  • utter disbelief
  • excited jostling
  • extreme disorder

Ans: A) unnatural silence.

The Birla house was surrounded by a sad group of people, who looked like––

  • vagabond
  • lost children
  • orphan
  • excited 

Ans: B) lost children

Gandhiji’s body was surrounded by the people at the Birla house, who were––

  •  his relatives and followers
  • freedom fighter
  • his children
  • general people.

Ans: A) his relatives and followers.

short questions - 2-3 marks of The Passing Away Of Bapu

  • Why was the author in a rush to Birla House ?

Ans: The author was in a rush to Birla house as she was informed that Gandhiji had been shot on his way to a prayer meeting. So for this reason she rushed there.

  • When Gandhiji had been shot and what happened and What happened to the author at that time?

Ans: On  the evening of 30th January 1948, Gandhiji was assassinated on his way to a prayer meeting. The author became stupefied with the shock as she got into the car.

  • Tell the name of that place where Bapu took his last breath? Describe the atmosphere of that place then? 

Ans: Gandhiji breathed his last at the Birla house in Delhi. The atmosphere of that place was mute. Gandhi’s relatives and followers had become quiet.

  • What announcement made the people calm? 

Ans: when the announcement was made that they would see Gandhiji before cremation the bemoaned people calmed a little.

  • What was the question roaming in the topmost people’s mind who came to mourn? 

Ans: The question in the mind of the people who came to mourn was–––– “What will become of me now that he (Gandhi) has fallen.

  • “We will walk”…… who said this and how they pay their last respect to Bapu?

Ans: Beforehand, the sad people aligned to the path of the cremation parade to follow. Mrs.Naidu’s daughter Padmasi announced that they would walk for the last time with Bapu.

  • What did Bapu say about walking?

What was the reason behind his opinion?

Ans: Bapu had said that walking would make slow progress. It needs no vehicles but energy. Walker would think with clarity and closely watch all around.

  • Describe the painful experience of walking  in the cremation parade of Bapu?

Ans: The experience of Bapu’s cremation parade was painful as a number of people walked in the parade quietly. They saw Bapuji’s body layed on an open truck covered with flowers and kept crying and trying to touch his feet for the one last time but it was impossible to move due to a massive crowd.

  • Why did the author not bear the harsh reality about Gandhiji ?

Ans: The author couldn’t bear the harsh reality about Gandhiji’s death as the man who had led them over many rough paths , was never going to walk with them ever.

  • What made the average Indian think that walking was the only way open to them?

Ans: Walking is profitable to the ordinary people of India. It is cheap and substantial. Walking would slow the progress without any need of vehicles or money. It would only eat up the energy of the Walker. So for these reasons it was the only way open to the average India to be closer and United.

English Notes WBBSE Madhyamik Class 10

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